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Awaken to your Sexy Aliveness!

It's time to begin a Love Affair with Yourself and with Life!

So often, women feel that something is missing from their lives and they have been letting life pass them by. They are living under a cloud of so many self-limiting beliefs and reasons as to why they cannot BE more. Excuses flood their conscience such as, “I am too old, not rich, thin or pretty enough” or, “Everyone else must come first before my own needs”.

Often, they have become separated from the power and the pleasure of their sensual energy and this can result in a subtle dissatisfaction with life or sometimes, an overbearing sadness that their best life and, the best version of themselves are behind them. 


I am talking about new mothers, women with older children, business women or, those who have suffered marriage break ups or struggle with menopause...all of the various stages of womanhood that can deplete us of our confidence, energy and time for ourselves. At some point many awaken to the feeling of unfulfillment, burn out and recognise that they have lost that spark for life they used to enjoy in their younger years.

But it can be reclaimed.

You can become reconnected to yourself again and all that brings you joy!

You can feel confident and you can enjoy getting dressed each day knowing that you have a special type of magic to share with the world!

You can become reacquainted with your Sensual Essence!


You can become Magnetic and less invisible!

Let us never forget the power and joy that comes alongside being a Woman.

I wish for you to wake up excited each day and to step into something that makes you feel so deliciously empowered, sexy and most importantly more YOU!

I want you to realise that confidence doesn't only come wrapped up in a 'perfect, slim and beautiful' body. That there is so much more allure to be found within a woman of any age or shape. A woman can attain and enjoy a strongly potent and sensual version of herself, no matter what her circumstances, role in life or what others lead her to believe.

"You don't have to be born beautiful to be wildly attractive"

Diana Vreeland

There is so much more to you as a Woman. It is just quietly snoozing inside you. But I know you can feel it rousing, challenging you to dip a toe into finding out what else there is to you.

And I know that this may feel out of your comfort zone..... all my talk of sexiness and sensuality and that, you cannot ever imagine enjoying your body and dressing it in a way that makes you stand out and be seen as the woman you really want to be but, with my specially devised concoction of Personal Styling and coaching, you will finally learn to love yourself and your life more. You will step into your power and you will know that you can get that job, you can get that man or you can see huge improvements within your current relationships. And the most important thing is, you will be able to see that you can be in a better relationship with yourself!​

Your life is about to become a lot more Fun and, a whole lot Sexier!

"Sexy is a state of mind, and it can come in all shapes and sizes. It is different for every person."
Ashley Graham

A Little About Me

Welcome darling, I am Laura, The Sensual Stylist. 
My passion is helping women awaken to their potency, their full potential and, help them to find their
SEXY self again.
I am a mother of three (two teenagers and a smaller boy) and I also have two pooches, Ted and Lola who are ridiculously mucky but hugely loveable!
From when my first born was small, I realised that even though my body had changed hugely from what it had been before pregnancy and I was tired, anxious and quite detached from life as I had known it, that I could control one thing and that was how I presented myself going about my day to day activities of playgroups, parks and nappy changing. And, when I realised I could still maintain that hugely important aspect of myself, life didn't feel quite so hard, monotonous and draining. I could revive my own energy via my clothes, accessories and make up. Sure I had little time to spend on my getting ready routine but that was ok because I could put my make up on in no more than 10 minutes. But it was crucially important to me. That slick of (baby) kiss proof lipstick was the saviour to my tired face. That lovely dress I wore to the playground on a mundane Monday morning was the medicine to my pain of living in a new body and a lifestyle that I couldn't quite as happily adapt to at all times. Because, being a mother can be like that can't it? Wonderful but such a world away from what we are used to and at times, it can feel hugely difficult to feel like ourselves.

Glamour was my way of healing the disconnect I felt and it is the prime tool that I use when working with women.

I believe that we all need a little help to move away from the mundanities of life and I will guide you towards so much more vibrancy and passion for life with an additional liberal sprinkling of glamour and titillating fun. 

My work specialises within Personal Styling interwoven with Sensual Feminine Embodiment Coaching. I work with my clients closely to help them realise their self worth and revive their sensual feminine potency. 
The transformation also takes place when we work with the theme of Seduction both that of ourselves and of others (useful for magnetising new friends, lovers and potential employers). I believe that we often forget our inner power as Women and it is time to utilise all the tools available to us to seduce, beguile and captivate all who are within our presence. 

We can all exude a strongly magnetic energy when we are confident of our own unique specialities and can express that on the outside via how we dress as well as how we use our bodies to communicate via our poise, demeanour and body language. I help you develop all of these necessary skills.

It is time that more women enjoyed feeling and looking Sexy again!

Helping women to unearth their unique essence and guiding them to find a signature personal style that will help them feel like the glorious and sensual women that they are is my passion and reason for being. I have been working with women for the last decade because I believe that there are many reasons why women need help to come back to their sensual centre and to move within the world with that life giving sexual energy. I have also 'moonlighted' as a Burlesque Performer over the last 5 years and so it may be that I guide you towards inviting in some burlesque inspired rituals to guide you towards body acceptance and sexy embodiment.

I am a firm believer that every woman deserves to feel and look her best and that cultivating our Sensual Feminine energy helps us to flourish within all areas of life. My work helps women reconnect to their bodies, transforms the way they feel about themselves, helps to revive flagging relationships and, empowers the way the step out into the world.

I am also a huge advocate of sustainable shopping and believe there to be enough clothing already out there that enables my clients to shop both more mindfully as well as buy within smaller budgets.

"When a woman is really in touch with her sensuality, she naturally draws beautiful things, people, and deeply nourishing relationships into her life."Lebo Grande

My work helps you "Tune into your own Turn On" so that you can begin to learn what lights you up with regards to your wardrobe. 
This means that we do not select clothes only because they are 'on-trend'

What Other's Say

Laura is truly a unique and special woman, her presence alone enriches a room." 

Laura was the perfect guide to exploring, identifying and embodying my personal style. She took me to the centre stage of my own desires, sensuality and capabilities. It was such a wonderful experience working with her.

I really enjoyed the programme and being in the presence of Laura. It was magical to be held in a safe space to celebrate my sensuality and own expression. It helped me to remember the parts of myself that I had previously shut down. Laura guided me beautifully into integrating those parts into my daily life. Thank you Laura
Claire D

Journeying in to the senses and personal instincts through through scent, fabric, music and word prompts enabled me to unpack beliefs that were perceived holding me and my clothing choices back. The meditation into my best self led to some powerful inner visual moments. I look forward to going deeper into my soul style journey to unleash a part of me I have forgotten and am now willing to let rise to the surface. An hour well spent as the insights are still emerging a week later. Thank you Laura
Client Testimonial for Personal Styling Re-VAMP Experience.

Debs Galloway

I think I found Laura via her Instagram page. She is completely unique (but in a wonderful way). I had been having a tough time in my relationship and she was the most amazing person to talk to. She makes you feel so empowered just by talking with her and the sessions I have done have also been great. I came out feeling so much more sure of myself. It is interesting that in our busy lives there is never time to stop and take time for yourself, Laura allows you that time and the sessions I have done with her have allowed me to think about the deeper things I had definitely been pushing to the back of my mind. I am definitely more thoughtful of my own needs and wants rather than it all being about others. I honestly cannot recommend her work highly enough.
Melanie W

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